10 Reasons to Skip the Gym This January
We love gyms, we really do. We just don’t love gyms at peak-season:
1. (Over)Crowded Classes
2. The Protein Shakers
You know who we’re talkin’ about. The people who seem to just take up benches and sip on a protein shake. We all know that’s your 3rd Blender Bottle this week, Bryan. What exactly are you blending? Concrete? Avoid those pesky protein shakers by doing your own workouts at home using your own couches and chairs or even MacGyver some park benches and tree branches outside. Add in a few weights or resistance bands and you’ve just DIY-ed your own gym!
3. Treadmill races - that you didn’t sign up for
4. The Commute
After working all day the last thing you wanna do is suffer through an ugly, frustrating commute in your car or packed train only to get to a crowded gym where you’ll have to deal with even more people. Make your commute your cardio by takin’ the scenic route on your bike. You’ll get a much more enjoyable workout than dealing with Shelby who gets weirdly possessive over that leftmost treadmill. You don’t live here, Shelby...I think. Plus, a real ride through the hills will be more exciting than a picture of them on a gym bike monitor. It's cold out, though. Bring these.
5. Everyone is sick...
6. The Grunt & Drop
If the Protein Shakers are annoying because they don’t lift anything, Grunt Droppers are the other end of the spectrum. We’re talking about the people who grunt very loudly to lift ridiculously heavy weights and immediately drop them onto the gym floor making an even louder noise. Not even my Workout Twerkout playlist can drown you out, Percy. Work out at home so you can listen to your tunes without flinching at loud noises. Unless your dog found his way into the kitchen pantry again...Max, do not eat those bacon bits!
7. The Pre-Gym Routine
8. Can I be excused?
The only thing worse than thinking about going to the gym is thinking of good excuses to not go to the gym. Especially if your gym buddy already texted you asking if you were still down to go later. Here are some rock solid excuses for you to use next time you need one:
- I can’t go since my boss needs to me to work on a big project!
- I think I pulled something so I’m just going to ice it and rest.
- Netflix already started the next episode…
- I don’t have gym shoes.
- I'm going to Sports Basement for gym shoes!
- How about we just get a non-fat latte and take a lap around the block?
- New phone, who dis?
- I won’t make it to my World Domination planning meeting.
- I’m hosting the World Domination planning meeting.

9. Recovery days
10. Fresh air over gym air. No contest.
1 comment
Celia says...
Love ❤️ this article
On January 19, 2018
But it’s going to turn away a lot of people from going to Jym