Basementeer Spotlight - Bay Area Bike Project

Bay Area Bike Project staff fitting a boy's bike helmet

We're very happy to have Bay Area Bike Project as a Basementeer beneficiary and partner. Learn more about them (from them!) and how you can support below:


The Bay Area Bike project believes in the life-changing magic of riding a bike, and we strive to get bikes into the hands of as many people as we can. 

We formed in 2017 after the Santa Rosa fires devastated much of Northern California’s wine country. While many organizations were focused on restoring the essentials of living, we couldn’t help but to wonder about all the kids who lost bikes to the fires, and what that meant for their childhoods.


Since 2017, we have donated over 300 bicycles to victims of natural disasters in California, as well as to families without the means to purchase bikes on their own, in our pursuit of spreading the good word of the health and happiness of riding bikes.

Girl on a bike at a Bay Area Bike Project event

We have been delighted to connect with so many kindred spirits over the last three years who also believe in the transformative power of biking.


If you want to join us in our efforts, check us out on Instagram, head on over to our website, send us an email--we are always looking for more supporters and friends who want to make a difference. In the time of COVID-19, access to bikes for children is especially critical, since they have lost so many opportunities for play. A bike is a means to fun and freedom, which our children so badly need. You have the power to change their present and their future: it’s as simple as riding a bike.


Today, more than ever, we’re committed to getting more kids on bikes. In addition to supporting natural disaster victims, we’re also focused on providing bicycles to underserved youth, hosting bicycle safety & educational opportunities and advocating for bicycle safety and infrastructure within our communities. Thank you for supporting us and more importantly for being kind, supporting kids and building community.


When you donate to The Bay Area Bike Project, you're making a direct investment in our communities and children. Give and let ride!

Bay Area Bike Project staff building bikes for children

When you donate to The Bay Area Bike Project, you're making a direct investment in our communities and children. Give and let ride!

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1 comment

  • Tyler Fitzgerald says...

    Do you accept bicycle donations? I have a women’s bike and men’s bike I was going to sell but I would rather donate them. They are both in good working order. I would be happy to deliver them where ever you need.

    On October 14, 2020

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