Basementeer Spotlight: Bike East Bay

With your support, Bike East Bay fought hard to build safe and equitable streets for biking and walking this year. Through our advocacy, we’ve made strong moves toward ensuring that Black and Brown communities are engaged, represented, and heard when cities develop new infrastructure ideas. Additionally, in 2021, Bike East Bay's education classes helped over 1,300 people bike in the city with confidence. Our free classes are taught by majority women and people of color, making these a safe and welcoming space for people who are underrepresented in the wider bike community.
Your support also helped bring about another successful Bike to Wherever Day in the East Bay. In its second year with the new name, it is now an even more inclusive and welcoming event that celebrates the continued importance of bicycling for everyday transportation and our health and wellbeing—especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. We thank you for your support!

Bike East Bay believes transportation justice is an essential part of our work as bicycle advocates.
- We commit to improving access to biking, walking and transit, with particular attention to communities and areas that have been underserved.
- We promote bicycling as a way to improve the health, economic vitality, and happiness of our communities.
- We work in partnership with the private and public sectors to make our streets and communities strong, sustainable and accessible.
- We are passionate about increasing the number of people who ride bicycles safely, confidently and knowledgeably.
- We foster collaboration, inclusion and capacity building within communities, work with diverse groups for effective change, and value ongoing listening and learning from our community stakeholders.
- We are fiscally, ethically, and environmentally responsible with our resources and in our work.
Overarching goal: Increase the number and diversity of people biking as part of an equitable and just transportation system. Top priorities:
- Support the development of an extensive and seamless network of bike facilities as part of a transportation system that serves people of all ages and abilities and meets the needs of low-income communities and communities of color.
- Promote street designs that integrate bicycling into public spaces, serve multiple needs, and reflect community character.
- Build partnerships with groups and residents organizing around social justice and other community issues, including displacement, disinvestment, and health disparities, and cultivate a community-driven transportation planning process.
Overarching goal: Remove barriers to bicycling through programs that empower and educate East Bay residents, with a priority on people of color, people with fewer resources, immigrants, families, and communities suffering health disparities. Top priorities:
- Class attendees: Provide abundant free and accessible bicycle education programs throughout the East Bay.
- Program instructors: Improve and develop programs, curricula, and instructors in order to respond to and serve the needs of all communities we represent, including in-language and non-language specific materials and programming.
- Site partners: Improve safety and access to bicycling through partnerships with affordable housing residents, community health organizations, libraries, employers, and other groups.
Community Engagement
Overarching goal: Through strong, positive, collaborative relationships, build a collective and powerful voice for a more just and equitable transportation system. Top priorities:
- Staff, board, members, and volunteers work together to ensure we have the political clout and financial resources to be effective advocates.
- Provide training and support for members to take leadership and ownership in advocacy, community organizing, and fundraising.
- Build community and build power by centering the voices and experiences of people of color, people with fewer resources, women, and other groups that have been historically excluded by bicycle advocacy and transportation planning.