Basementeer Spotlight: Girls on the Run Bay Area


Thanks to our Basementeers, Sports Basement was able to give over $16,000 to Girls on the Run Bay Area this year!

Thanks to the Sports Basement, Basementeers program donation to Girls on the Run of the Bay Area, 230 girls will receive partial funding to enable them to participate in our program. These girls, many times, have little to no after-school options offered to them, and thanks to generous funding we are able to offer our program at these schools and communities.

Over 70% of our families receive full or partial scholarships to participate in the Girls on the Run program. With the generous donation from Sports Basement, we will be able to expand our scholarship fund to offer our program to significantly more participants from under-resourced communities in the Bay Area. The Basementeers donation enables us to provide quality programming to more Bay Area youth, focused on communities where there are few or no options for after-school activities as a source of social interaction and physical activity.

Youth empowerment is central to our mission. We help kids learn and grow both physically and emotionally, and to take those lessons forward in life. Participants set goals and experience a sense of accomplishment for strong effort in their social, emotional, and physical pursuits throughout the program. At our season-ending 5K running event, girls cross the finish line surrounded by their teammates, family members, and dozens of other local teams who have been working toward the same big goal. This reinforces their confidence and sense of their own capabilities, and feeds into an impact that lasts a lifetime.

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