Basementeer Spotlight: The Marine Mammal Center

Provided by the Marine Mammal Center

Thank to Sports Basement's Basementeers the Marine Mammal Center received over $6,000 this year!

Donations like Sports Basement’s help buy fish and medicine for our sick and injured patients, enable us to reach thousands of children each year through our education programs, and support our research efforts to advance marine mammal care and ocean conservation worldwide.

Each year, we rescue scores of marine mammals along 600 miles of coastline in California and Hawai'i. Annually, we respond to 10,000+ calls from the public reporting marine mammals in distress, publish approximately 20 peer-reviewed papers, and train 100+ marine science professionals from around the world. Our innovative education programs reach over 100,000 children and adults each year, building enthusiasm for science and a sense of responsibility for the ocean through a dynamic connection to marine mammals.

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