Community Spotlight: CalWild

Provided by CalWild


Our Mission

The California Wilderness Coalition (CalWild) protects and restores the state’s wildest natural landscapes and watersheds on public lands. These important wild places provide clean air and water, refuges and habitat connections for plants and wildlife, immense cultural values, outstanding opportunities for recreation, spiritual renewal, and are important tools in addressing climate change. CalWild is the only statewide organization dedicated solely to protecting and restoring the wild places and native biodiversity of California’s public lands. With almost 50 years of advocacy, CalWild has helped protect over 13 million acres of land as wilderness and 1,500 miles of waterways as wild and scenic rivers.

What We Do

alWild is always working on concurrent campaigns – currently, they are working to: protect 30% of California by 2030 (“30x30”), pass the PUBLIC Lands Act through Congress, expand the Berryessa-Snow Mountain National Monument, and launch the Protect California Deserts campaign. Check out what else they’re working on here:

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with CalWild. You can advocate for protecting our public lands through their e-mail list, take action through their action alerts, and become a member for as little as $35/yr.

Until January 15th, any donations over $80 will receive their exclusive Fire Mosaic Bandana and copy of The Cold Canyon Fire Journals by Robin Lee Carlson.

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