Take a Snow Day
We have it on very good authority (thanks Tahoe Daily Snow!) that we're about to get the FLUFFIEST POWDER OF THE SEASON.
So seriously, what are you doing here in the Bay? Why are you at work?! This is a real shame, we say. You should just take a snow day. We won't tell. Take the kids, take your significant other, take your dog, take your best friend, take us (please!), but definitely, definitely get up there. The snow hasn't been this thick and plush in literal years, and you look like you need some you time. Think of it as a mental health day. Here, we'll even help.
- Need something, but not into buying it? We've got snow rentals (that's skis and boards as well as apparel!)
- Lift tickets for way less than you'll pay at the mountain!
- A ride there on our Tahoe Ski Bus and on extra powdery days our Powder Bus!
- A tooootally legit* doctor's note. Just copy and paste it into your email and you'll be all set:

So go to Tahoe. Do it for us. But come visit us first, and get yourself kitted out! And when you come back, send us your photos tagged with #sportsbasement, and be an inspiration to everyone else! (If you ask real nice, we'll even blur your faces for you - we wouldn't want you getting caught!) Because no matter how old you are, you deserve a snow day.
*Please be sure to verify the legitimacy of our doctor's note for yourself. Your boss might not be quite as openminded as mine is (hi Aaron)!