Like a Drive-Thru for your Gear: Introducing Curbside Pickup

Title text: Shelter in the Greatest Please over a photo of several bikes ready for curbside pickup at Sports Basement.

There's nothing more important than maintaining good health during shelter-in-place. But good health doesn't stop at mask-wearing and hand-washing - the rest of your body (that includes your mind!) needs a good dose of regular exercise to stay healthy, too. Getting out for a bike ride isn't just good for your calves and quads, it's good for your mental health too. And if your old bike just isn't cutting it anymore, never fear - we've got your back regardless of the pick-me-up you need.

Speaking of pick-me-ups: you can now pick up your online order at your local Sports Basement with curbside pickup!

Here's how it works:

  1. Order your items on our website (look at that, you're on our website right now!)
  2. Select the curbside pickup location closest to you during checkout.
  3. If you bought a bike, look out for your email with a quick questionnaire - a bike mechanic will contact if you needed for any follow-up.
  4. You will receive an email letting you know that your order is ready for curbside pickup. It may come from a private email address, so be sure to check your spam!
  5. Drive to the store you selected for curbside pickup. Park your car in the designated curbside pickup spot in front of the store and call the number provided in your email when you arrive!
  6. A staffer will come out and place your order on the table nearby, or at the bike rack. We don't touch the tables or the rack, for your safety as well as our own.
  7. We'll step back 6+ feet so you can grab your new gear!

GIF of staffer wiping down a bike to send to a customer.

Notes on staff health and safety precautions:

  • All staff wear masks and gloves at all times during fulfillment, including building bikes.
  • Staff are able to work fulfillment only if they have no sick or at-risk family members at home.
  • Staff are instructed to maintain 6 feet of distance from each other at all times, and follow CDC guidelines regarding disinfecting surfaces and hand-washing throughout the day.

 GIF of staffer wiping down a box with a bike trainer.


Curbside pickup FAQs:

What times can I schedule my curbside pickup?
Our pickup hours are:

Monday - Friday: 11am to 7pm
Saturday - Sunday: 9am to 5pm

Can I buy other items or make a return or exchange when I come by to pick up my order?
No - our registers are not open and we can't manage any in-person transactions. All items can be returned or exchanged when our stores re-open.

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  • Will says...

    Are test rides available before a bike purchase?

    On May 07, 2020
  • Megan @SB says...

    Hi Jill – Our current wait time for bikes is up about 7-10 business days.

    On May 03, 2020
  • Jill says...

    What’s the current wait time for bicycle pickup. How many days after ordering is it taking to receive the bike?

    On May 03, 2020
  • Megan @ SB says...

    Hi @VH we do have some items that are excluded from our sale, including the Wahoo trainer. You can find a list of our exclusions on our exclusions page.

    On April 15, 2020
  • VH says...

    Are the Wahoo trainers excluded from the BayAreaLove promotion? I tried to order one and added the promocode, but the 30% did not register at check-out.

    On April 15, 2020

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