Ski & Snowboard Movies for Off-Season Stoke

Once you’ve finished your rad dryland workout, time for some stoke. Put a fan on, bundle up in your jacket, pop in the storm lens and settle in with a Red Bull (or PBR).

Classics & Legends:

  1. #1: G.N.A.R. (free)
    If you ski/ride Tahoe and you don’t know about the Game of GNAR, just… how? Start here, educate yourself on the rules.
  2. McConkey (free)
    Once you finish G.N.A.R., you might want to learn about legendary daredevil and all around cool guy, Shane McConkey. Follow his epic and ultimately tragic life story here. 
  3. Warren Miller Film Archive (paid)
    Classics on classics. Miller released hundreds of ski and snowboard movies (and Warren Miller Entertainment is still cranking them out under his name every fall!). This is a small selection of his work, most of which you can rent through Amazon.

When you want to get sucked into a ski/snowboard wormhole:

  1. Red Bull TV: Skiing and Red Bull TV: Snowboarding (free)
    Hoursssss of free TV to kick back to. Watch reruns of old races, learn about snowboard cross or ski joring, maybe even wander into watching a summer sport (not).
  2. This whole list from Red Bull and Red Bull For Snowboarders (free)
    When you’ve caught up on the Freeride World Tour from the past eternity, Red Bull also offers a rad selection of ski and snowboard movies. Lots of house music and face shots, naturally. Catch films like RoadlessOde to Muir, Art of Flight, and Winterland on the f.
  3. Newschoolers (free)
    See what the kids are into these days and lose yourself in the up and coming. You know they’re going pro.

  4. Peace Park (free)
    This one’s for the riders. Mountain Dew x Danny Davis will leave you stoked and oddly uplifted, plus completely convinced that you can send that. 

Not Free but still rad:

  1. Jeremy Jones Higher  and other films (paid) 
    Anything from Jeremy is bound to be awesome and come with a positive message. Founder of Jones Snowboards as well as Protect Our Winters (POW), Jeremy is also an incredible backcountry rider and a Tahoe local to boot. His movies are scattered around the TGR site and are not free, butttt it’s worth it. Or donate the money directly to POW and watch something free.
  2. Further, Fire on the Mountain, and others from TGR (paid) 
    Teton Gravity Research has tons of content, reviews, interviews, and amazing films for every sport. Unfortunately, most of the films at least are paid but we all gotta make a living. Catch them on their film tours.

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1 comment

  • GOtdon says...

    Watched GNAR today, have not seen it for 10 years! Great skiing, fun crowd & crazy antics! Watch the crew play by the Squallywood rules (or lack of). Remember, “I’m better than you”!

    On April 06, 2020

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