Meet the Novato Team!

Armen Filian

Armen Filian is the head jefe, the General Manager, of Novato and he really can't wait to show you around the place:

North Bay neighborhood: Terra Linda in San Rafael

Tell us what you love about Marin:
I've lived in Marin for four years, but have loved Marin my entire life. Redwoods, beaches, trails, wildlife, and open space have always called to me. 

What are you excited to help customers with?
Skiing, cycling, and mountain biking are my loves, but I'm happy to geek out on any gear as we basically work in a candy store.

What are your favorite North Bay spots?
Seven Sisters loop for a challenging ride, China Camp for a quick mountain bike outing, Tennessee Valley for a hike with my family, and of course Stinson Beach for sand, sun, and sea.

What’s something you can’t wait to share with Novato customers?
In terms of the building, as we tore down the drop ceiling & wall partitions, we noticed 18 out of date fire hatches in the ceiling which we happily converted into skylights!

Dana Treiber-Martin

Dana is a true marketing maven. She's our Senior Marketer  for the North Bay, and she's very excited to host you at the Novato Grand Opening on July 14 & 15.

North Bay neighborhood:
San Anselmo, home of the best Chinese chicken salad in Marin (referring to Comforts, of course).

Tell us what you love about Marin:
I've been lucky to call Marin home for the past 7 years and the fantastic scenery I get to see every day never gets old!

What are you excited to help customers with?
Cycling, throwing awesome events, & helping Sports Basement give back through the Basementeer program!

What are your favorite North Bay spots?
Alpine Dam and the Gestault Haus.

What’s something you can’t wait to share with Novato customers?
The bowling alley that's tucked away in the store! Wait'll you see the fun stuff we've got planned there!

Pssst! Does she look familiar? She's also one of our incredible Staffletes!

Bruno Fritsch

Bruno is a manager at Novato. Triathlons are his jam, but he's a jack-of-all-trades guy & trust us, he's a master of them all:

North Bay neighborhood: I'm currently in SF but I've been shopping for a new place in Novato for a while.

Tell us what you love about Marin:
I love everything about Marin! I've been spending most of my weekends here since 2012 and I'm excited to finally move here.  

What are you excited to help customers with?
Where do I start? Swim, bikes, Run, trail running, ski, snowboard, electronics, fitness, nutrition, triathlons, hiking, rentals, all of it!

What are your favorite North Bay spots?
Mt Tam, of course! But also riding around Nicasio, Pt Reyes, Marshall, Chileno Valley, Samuel P. Taylor, Seven Sisters, Alpine name it, I've ridden or run it.

What’s something you can’t wait to share with Novato customers?
We had to move the whole bike rack about 10 times back and forth (best workout ever, I will say). We finally put it in the perfect spot so I can't wait to show it off & help customers shop it!

Austen Auger

Austen is a marketer at our Novato store who you'll see a lot of both in-store and on local trails:

North Bay neighborhood:
San Anselmo/Fairfax

Tell us what you love about Marin:
I was born and raised in Marin and have lived here off and on for 30 years. I love that Marin's neighborhoods weave through forests so you can walk out your front door and be at a trail head within a matter of minutes and without having to drive.

What are you excited to help customers with?
I'm an avid hiker, camper, backpacker, and enjoy sharing my personal stories about all the cool backcountry tech. I also love meeting with someone new to climbing & bouldering since they have so much fresh enthusiasm while looking for shoes and other gear.

What are your favorite North Bay spots?
Ring Mountain in Tiburon, Cascade Falls in Fairax, and the Marin Headlands with all the ancient war relics and endless trails.

What’s something you can’t wait to share with Novato customers?
Check out our "Bowling Alley" community space that can be reserved for anything from league meetings to film nights and everything in between.

Yuta Sano

Yuta is a manager of our Novato store and he's bringing his tri and swim experience back to his Marin roots:

North Bay neighborhood: Mill Valley

Tell us what you love about Marin:
I grew up in Mill Valley and went to Tam High, & after several years working in Santa Cruz and Sunnyvale I am back. Marin has always been a county that welcomed everyone's passion for sport and fitness.

What are you excited to help customers with?
Swimming has always been my sport of choice, but more recently I have competed in triathlons. I am thrilled to have the opporunity to help customers navigate the sometimes bizarre world of swimming/aquatics and make an intimidating sport easier to get into.

What are your favorite North Bay spots?
It is really hard to beat the Marin Headlands. Aside from the spectacular hiking, beaches, and vistas you can also pop into the vistors center to learn more about the surrounding ecosystem. I also once saw a whale swimming around out there - it was rad!

What’s something you can’t wait to share with Novato customers?
One thing I want customers to realize that our store is always evolving and changing with time to make for a better shopping experience. The store may look a little different from one week to the next which is part of the charm!

Annie Underdown

Annie is the Senior Store Manager of Novato and the den mother of everyone at Sports Basement. She's got everyone's back so if you ever need a pick-me-up, Annie is the person to go to:

North Bay neighborhood:
Sun Valley, San Rafael

Tell us what you love about Marin:
I love being able to wear shorts & flip flops most of the year! I also love that there is so much to do outside! Oceans, mountains, rivers, lakes are all in my back yard! The community is also so welcoming. They all brought treats when they came to introduce themselves when we moved in.

What are you excited to help customers with?
I cant wait to help customers believe in themselves (if I can run a marathon, anyone can) and to encourage them to try new things!

What are your favorite North Bay spots?
The Mayflower, Terrapin Crossroads and San Jose Taqueria. Oh, you mean nature. Well you can't beat Stinson beach for running around with a toddler.

What’s something you can’t wait to share with Novato customers?
Do not be afraid to ask questions! We put the orts in sports!

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1 comment

  • Rich Wright says...

    Hello Annie,
    I hope you’re doing great and enjoying our gorgeous Marin spring! I dropped you a line via the Paycomonline interface but thought I’d say hello here as well. I was hoping we could pick up our conversation from last November about possible employment at Novato Sports Basement. If you can, please shoot me an email and we can continue talking. Thanks! Have a wonderful day, Rich Wright

    On April 27, 2023

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