Basementeer Give Back: Schools

Basementeer Give Back 2016 has been a giant success filled with giant checks! This year, over half of our beneficiaries were schools. We've been so proud to spotlight the schools in our communities and contribute to sports and athletic programs across the bay.

Now that school is back in session, we're going to be giving local schools their 2016 donations. Make sure to follow our Instagram using #sbgivesback to see your local school featured this Fall. Learn more about the Basementeer program and sign up at any Sports Basement location.

Northgate High School

YMCA: Presidio


"The funds generated through Sports Basement's Basementeer Program will assist the Athletic Boosters in updating Northgate's scoreboard. The new video board will be available for the entire school to use at not only sports games, but other school functions, such as graduation!" - Vice Principal & Athletic Director of Northgate High School


Berkeley High School

Aim High


"Unlike many of the schools against whom Berkeley High competes, it doesn’t require students to “pay to play” for its school teams.  Berkeley High firmly believes every student should have equal access to the excitement and educational opportunities sports provide.  The generous financial support of valued partners such as Sports Basement is therefore critical for creating a safe and high-performing athletic program in which 1,200 students across 29 sports participate." - Mark Galbraith, Berkeley Athletic Fund Board Member

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