2-Day Avalanche Class

AIARE 1 Avalanche Class

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trip dates
Trip Dates
Mar 15-16

Select your dates during checkout.

trip difficulty
2 Days
trip difficulty
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Backcountry travel is necessary during the course. Backcountry skis with skins, (randonee or telemark), snowshoes, and split boards are all acceptable means of transportation. You need to be a competent skier and able to travel in the backcountry. You should be able to ski/ride on advanced intermediate slopes on ungroomed snow conditions. You are also welcome to take this course on snowshoes. Participants for this course have to be 18 and older.
trip difficulty
Up to 6 people



This AIARE Level One Avalanche Class gives students a risk management framework to aid in planning and executing trips into avalanche terrain. The course also gives you practical experience on two full days of backcountry skiing/snowboarding providing a model for how to make your own decisions when you travel in the backcountry after the class.

Our classes are also limited to 6 students with one instructor, or 9 students with 2 instructors, so you'll get plenty of attention from your instructor(s).

Skiers, splitboarders, and snowshoers are all welcome in our courses.


Who is AIARE 1 for?

If you are (or want to be) a backcountry skier, snowboarder, snowshoer or snowmachiner, you need to learn about avalanches so you can contribute to your team and make your own decisions about how and where to travel in the backcountry.

Please note that this is not an intro to backcountry class. Backcountry travel is necessary during the course. Backcountry skis with skins, (randonee or telemark), snowshoes, and split boards are all acceptable means of transportation. You do not need to be a great skier to take this class, but you do need to be a competent skier and able to travel in the backcountry. You should be able to ski/ride on advanced intermediate slopes on ungroomed snow conditions. If your skiing is not up to that level, you are welcome to take this course on snowshoes.

What is taught?
  • Develop a plan for travel in avalanche terrain
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify avalanche terrain
  • Effectively use the AIARE Risk Management Framework to make terrain choices in a group setting

In this two day class you'll learn about the avalanche advisory, the nine avalanche problem types, avalanche terrain, weather, snowpack, and the importance of having a repeatable process and using checklists. You'll see the value of reflection as a learning tool, and the importance of being able to recognize when you are/are not on a good team. 

Where and when is it held?

Our course will be two days in the field in Truckee, plus a combination of self-paced online study, "live" meetings with your instructor and student partners before the course, and group email discussions. Please note that the course officially starts with the Zoom meetings.

No longer do you need to set aside a three-day weekend for an AIARE class, but you do need to commit time to complete the pre-course material and Zoom calls

Who will teach the course?

Meet your instructor Richard Bothwell. Richard has been an AIARE avalanche educator for 15 years and a backcountry ski/splitboard guide for over 25 years. He is the former Executive Director of AIARE and Co-Founder of Slablab.co as well as  the author of the guidebook, "Light Tours of Tahoe".

Breakdown of Class Time

  • Self-paced learning online, including both AIARE content and custom content from our partner OAC: approx 4 hours
  • Email Q&A sessions with instructors: approx 1 hour
  • Zoom call on Tuesday, a week before our class- approx 90 minutes
  • Zoom call on Thursday, the week of our class- approx 120 minutes
  • Field days on Saturday and Sunday- approx 8 hours each day

We will have two Zoom calls before the class; One is an introduction to the course, your team, and answer initial questions. The second call will be when the team formulates the plan for our first field day.

With this format we expect to see two types of students; Well-prepared students who will get more from the class and be able to use the tools provided, and poorly prepared students who will be fighting to comprehend the basics when we meet in person. It's your choice. Be well prepared and get more from your class.

Backcountry travel is necessary during the course. Backcountry skis with skins, (randonee or telemark), snowshoes, and split boards are all acceptable means of transportation.  You do not need to be a great skier to take this class, but you do need to be a competent skier and able to travel in the backcountry. You should be able to ski/ride on advanced intermediate slopes on ungroomed snow conditions. If your skiing is not up to that level, you are welcome to take this course on snowshoes.


Schedule for this class:

Two mandatory Zoom calls typically on a Tuesday and Thursday, from 6:30pm-8:30pm.

Field Days on Saturday, 8:00am-5:00pm and Sunday, 8:00am-4pm.

Have a question about this trip? Email us at [email protected].
You may find our cancellation policy at the bottom of this page.

Please note: Due to the unique nature of this class we cannot accommodate cancellations or rescheduling within 14 days from the field days. The class starts with the first Zoom call. Our cancellation policy applies to this date. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Book your spot in our AIARE 1 Avalanche class today!


Although we'll always do our best to adhere to this schedule, it is often dictated by factors outside of our control and is therefore subject to change. We will run this trip rain or shine as long as it is safe to do so.

  • Zoom call on Tuesday, a week before our class- approx 60 minutes
  • Zoom call on Thursday, the week of our class- approx 60 minutes
  • Self-paced learning online: approx 4 hours
  • Email Q&A sessions with instructors: approx 1 hour
  • Field days on Saturday and Sunday- approx 8 hours each day
  • Develop a plan for travel in avalanche terrain
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify avalanche terrain
  • Effectively use the AIARE Risk Management Framework to make terrain choices in a group setting

Dates for the scheduled classes are as follows:

Jan 4-5th class:

  • Zoom 1: Dec 31st, 6:00-7:00pm
  • Zoom 2: Jan 2nd, 6:30-8:00pm

Feb 22-23rd class:

  • Zoom 1: Feb 11th, 6:30-8:00pm
  • Zoom 2: Feb 20th, 6:30-8:00pm

March 15-16th class:

  • Zoom 1: March 4th, 6:30-8:00pm
  • Zoom 2: March 13th, 6:30-8:00pm

Packing List

  • Small class size- maximum of 6 students with 1 instructor or 9 students, with 2 instructors
  • All necessary permits
  • Instructors, trained by AIARE, and qualified to teach the class. We are partnering with the Outdoor Adventure Club for this course. Instructors are also experienced back country guides, certified as Wilderness First Responders
  • A PDF of the AIARE student manual (printed copies available during the class)
  • AIARE field book, the "blue book"
  • AIARE curriculum
  • OAC bonus material- classes on using CalTopo and weather forecasts
Not Included:
  • Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Helmet
  • Snow apparel
  • Snow gear for transportation in the backcountry
  • Warm Layers depending on the weather forecast
  • Water Bottle
  • Snacks and Lunch Food
  • Transportation to and from the event
  • Lodging

A complete gear list will come with your confirmed reservation, but you should be ready with the following:

  • On the snow transport (skis/ snowshoes/ splitboard)
  • Personal avalanche gear (transceiver, shovel, probe)
  • Clothing appropriate for the conditions
  • Lunches for field days

Transceivers, shovels, probes and Weston split boards available to rent during the course.

  • Sunscreen
  • Please do not bring pets.
